SERGIO BLANCO (Montevideo, 1971). Franco-Uruguayan playwright and director. Sergio Blanco spent his childhood and adolescence in Montevideo and now lives in Paris.
After studying Classical Philology, he decided to devote himself fully to writing and directing. His plays have been awarded several prizes, including the “Premio Nacional de la Dramaturgia del Uruguay”, the “Premio de Dramaturgia de la Intendencia de Montevideo”, the “Premio del Fondo Nacional del Teatro”, the “Premio Florencio al Mejor Dramaturgo”, the International Prize “Casa de las Americas” and the “Theatre Awards” for the Best Text in Greece.
In 2017 and 2020 his plays Tebas Land and La ira de Narciso receive the “British Award Off West End” in London. His works entered the repertoire of the Comedia Nacional de Uruguay in 2003 and 2007 with his plays .45′ and Kiev. Among his best-known texts are Slaughter, .45′, Kiev, Barbarie, Kassandra, Darwin’s Leap, Tebas Land, Ostia, The Ire of Narcissus, The Bellow of Düsseldorf, When you walk over my tomb, Traffic and Tierra.
Many of his works have been created at home and abroad, and most of them have been translated and published in different countries.
In March of 2022 he premiered his work Zoo at the famous Teatro Piccolo in Milan, obtaining the Premio al Mejor Espectáculo Extranjero and in December of that same year, Blanco was distinguished in his country of origin with the Premio Morosoli de Plata por su Trayectoria. In recent years his shows have traveled the international festivals around the world and its theater by being staged in the five continents make him one of the most represented playwrights of the Spanish language of his time.
| Drama (fiction) | 2 |
| Drama (fiction) | 10 |
| Drama (fiction) | 3 | 2 |
Opus Sextum
| Drama (fiction) | 4 | 1 |
Diptiko (vol. 1 i 2)
| Drama (fiction) | 5 | 2 |
Kassandra | Drama: monologue (fiction) | 1 |
| Drama (fiction) | 4 | 3 |
El salto de Darwin
| Drama (fiction) | 4 | 2 |
Tebas Land | Drama (autofiction) | 2 |
Ostia | Drama (autofiction) | 1 | 1 |
La ira de Narciso | Drama (autofiction) | 1 |
El bramido de Düsseldorf | Drama (autofiction) | 2 | 1 |
Cuando pases sobre mi tumba | Drama (autofiction) | 3 |
Cartografía de una desaparición | Autofictional speech | 1 |
Las flores del mal, o la celebración de la violencia | Autofictional speech | 1 |
Tráfico | Drama: monologue (autofiction) | 1 |
Memento Mori | Autofictional speech | 1 |
COVID-451 | Drama (alterfiction) | 5 healthcare workers team |
Divina invención | Autofictional speech | 1 |
| Autofiction | 1 (+ 1 gorilla) | 1 |
| Autofiction | 2 | 2 |