CLÀUDIA CEDÓ (Tortosa, 1983). Playwright, screenwriter, theater director. Graduated in Psychology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and graduated in Theater and Performing Arts. Creator of Escenaris Especials (Special Stages), theater project with actors and actresses with functional diversity.
She has written and directed theater plays such as Transplant (Et planto), When we were kids we all killed ants (De petits Tots Matàvem Formigues), The man without a voice (L’home sense veu), Turtles: The deceleration of particles (Tortugues: La desacceleració de les partícules) -Butaca Award for Best Play 2015-, National Identity Card (DNI) – Winner of the Catalan Playwright Tournament-, Julia and the empty lot (Una gossa en un descampat) – Butaca Award Best Play, La Crítica Award Best Play and Best Show 2019, Teatre Barcelona Awards Best Playwrite and Best Show-, Blind (Ciegos) -Winner of the Madrid Playwright Tournament-, the theatrical adaptation of the novel Canto jo i la muntanya balla (When I Sing, Mountains Dance) – Premi Teatre Barcelona Best Adaptation. 3 Awards Max 2022-, The Forgotten Croquettes (Les croquetes oblidades) -Nomination for Best Family Show of La Crítica Awards 2021 and of the Teatre Barcelona Awards 2021-, Caligula Murió, I didn’t(Calígula murió, yo no) based on Caligula by Albert Camus (National Drama Centre, Madrid), To be a mother(Mare de Sucre) – (National Theater of Catalonia); winner of 5 Teatre Barcelona Awards, Best Show, Best Author, Best Direction; nominations for the Butaca Awards and La Crítica Awards for Best Text and Direction-, Ice Syndrome (Síndrome de Gel) in Teatre Lliure, the theatrical adaptation of the novel Essay on Blindness by José Saramago (Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, 2022).
Her plays have been published and translated into more than 10 languages: English, Italian, French, Greek, Swedish, Finnish, among others, and premiered in Spain, France, Italia, Portugal (Teatro Nacional São João), Poland (Wybrzeże Theater, Teatr Dramatyczny Warszawa), Czech Republic (Letí Theater Prague), Liechtenstein (TAK Theater), Argentina (Teatro El Extranjero de Buenos Aires), Festival Temporada Alta or Festival Mousson d’Été. She has worked with directors such as Sergi Belbel, Xicu Masó, Isra Solà, Nuno Cardoso, Marco Paiva, Guillem Alba, Helena Tornero or Marina Schubarth.
She co-created the theater company Pocapuc Teatre in 1998, she directs the theater company El Vol del Pollastre from 2011 to 2021 and is part of the German theater company Dokumentartheater of Berlin. She is the resident playwright at the Sala Beckett in Barcelona (2017-2018) and participates as a playwright in two workshops with Simon Stephens in Sala Beckett.
Currently, she is writing a feature film script for cinema, for the production company Lastor Media (based on her theater play Mare de Sucre) and an animated movie (based on her theater play Les croquetes oblidades). She is the screenwriter of the animated series Jasmine & Jambo and creator of the series Alabama, for El Terrat productions.
De pequeños todos matábamos hormigas
| Dramatic comedy | 3 | 2 |
Tortugues: La desacceleració de les partícules
| Fantastic comedy | 2 | 2 |
El hombre sin voz
| 1 | 1 |
El pou
Et planto
| Romantic comedy | 3 | 1 |
Els últims deu dies de Norman Foster
Como una perra en un descampado
| Drama | 2 | 4 |
Mare de sucre
| 2 | 5 |
Síndrome de gel
| Drama | 5 | 4 |
Els Àngels no tenen fills
| 1 | 2 |
Assaig sobre la ceguesa de Jose Saramango
| Essay |